Moving Tales Releases Elly’s Lost & Found Sounds as Free Web App

Vancouver – (March 20, 2013) Innovative digital story creators Moving Tales are releasing a new experiment in online story sharing April 3rd, 2013. Renowned for expanding storytelling in the digital era, Moving Tales is re-issuing its first Ebook children’s title, “Elly’s Lost and Found Sounds”, as a free Web App. Expanding on their best selling and critically acclaimed iOS apps and iBooks, like the bestselling “The Pedlar Lady of Gushing Cross” in which the company re-imagined an age old fable for the iPad and iPhone through filmic animation and multiple languages, “Elly’s Lost and Found Sounds” Web App allows Moving Tales’ to continue exploring what a digital story can be and how interactive ideas can be spread and sustained online.

“We’re bringing Elly to life on-line as an experiment in distribution and audience engagement.” said Matthew Talbot-Kelly, Moving Tales founder and creative director. “‘Elly’s Lost & Found Sounds’ was inspired by the world of sounds around us. We wanted to make her explorations available to that world with as little friction as possible.”

“Elly’s Lost and Found Sounds” is a children’s interactive Ebook story re-released by Moving Tales as a Free Web App, available to anyone who has a web browser. Through this test of free and open distribution, Moving Tales looks to explore the meaning and value of stories in today’s hyper-connected and abundant content world and what roll creators like Moving Tales play in that world.

The company sees this project as a test of how audiences see value in free and open stories. “Coming soon to your favorite browser, ‘Elly’ will be accessible to everyone – you don’t even need a library card!” Talbot-Kelly notes laughing.

The question is, will it click?

Written and Illustrated by best selling author Jacqueline O Rogers, “Elly’s Lost & Found Sounds” delights and inspires, bringing together an enchanting story, original sounds, music, animation, and magical interactivity throughout. “I hope Elly will remind children everywhere and the child in all of us to remain playful and curious about the world of sounds around us,”  says Rogers.

On April 3 2013, Moving Tales’ asks everyone to join them in this conceptual, design, delivery and pricing experiment. Asked how he expected to make money from a free web app Talbot Kelly replied, “There’s no shortage of content online, but there is a shortage of meaningful experiences. We hope to build closer relationships to people who care about those experience, allowing them to choose to support our work.”

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